Sem Davies is currently 29 years old and 30-year-old John Kelly. But who would have thought, now they've become the youngest grandparents in England.
Certainty it is obtained, when his daughter who was only 14 years old gave birth to a daughter Gracie in July. The father of the little girl is Jirdan William who was only 15 years.
Based on reports the Daily Mail, the mother of the baby named Tia. Sem Davies and John Kelly, Tia gave birth while her parents are 15 years old.
Grandfather who is now not working aka unemployed, told the Daily, "this is an absolute joy to see Gracie developed. I am very proud to Tia. He will be a brilliant mother. At first I was not too happy that she is pregnant. But I soon get more than that. Now all how to be positive. "
The paper also said that nurses in the maternity hospital think Davies is too young to become a grandfather, when he wanted to meet her grandfather. Given her face still looks toned and fresh.
The hospital also insist on proof that Grazie newborn grandson is true, namely by proving that he has over 16 years.
Tia, the mother of small children, plans to become a hairdresser once in a while after he came home from school. While his father, following the end of school exams just weeks before his daughter was born.
He deeply understood the position and responsibilities as a father. He told the newspaper: "I am the captain of the school rugby team and it's like having 14 children."
Posted by Intan Nurianti For : Infoduniaini , Updated at: 04.08 Description: Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: 19 Review Item Reviewed: |
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