Sabtu, 12 November 2011

[Download] Web Advertising With Javascript

Posted by: Intan Nurianti
Berbagi Ilmu, Updated at: 00.10

Just about all of the contextual advertising services and many other types of services use JavaScript to include their ads on your website. This is great because it's easy to put the code on your website, have ads running and then forget about it. But what about those users who have Javascript turned off Well first of all they won't see anything. Your content that is below it will just move into the space and you won't get credit for the adview or the chance to have a click or sale from that user. Analysis of my last 1 million unique visitors shows that 7.5% of them have JavaScript turned off. 7.5% of 1 million is 75,000 unique visitors! That's 75,000 people who would be viewing the site without any ads and without me having a chance to monetize their visit in any way! So, how can you solve this issue Well thankfully browsers have built into them an alternative tag for JavaScript and it's called the *noscript* tag.
This tag has been around forever and is nothing new. It also doesn't modify existing JavaScript on your page and therefore can be implemented without violating any of the Terms of Service from Google, Yahoo, Chitika or any other services. So how can you implement this into your page so that something will show where your ads normally do and what can you put there You can use any type of affiliate marketing or commission systems out there. The simplest is to place some Amazon books or products in the noscript code. You can see an example of how I did this with some code and some images of a website with Javascript turned on and off at: Here's how you implement it. Using Google AdSense as an example, you place their code that they give you on your website.
Then just below that you place a noscript set of tags. Inside those tags you place what you want to appear if the end user doesn't have it Javascript turned on. I have included some books from Amazon in a simple table, but you can always put text links or other forms of advertising there. You can include whatever you'd like in place of what appears. It doesn't need to conform to the same size or width of the Google ad, so if you just want a 120x20 button or some text there that's fine. That's about all there is to it.

Posted By Blogger to Download at 11/12/2011 12:10:00 AM

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Description: [Download] Web Advertising With Javascript Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: 19 Review Item Reviewed: [Download] Web Advertising With Javascript

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